Another OS X calendar quirk
Posted in Apple, Problems, Software on December 16th, 2014 by michaelOkay, it just keeps getting weirder for me with in OS X. I created a calendar event just now and wanted to include the restaurant’s name, address, and phone number in the “Location” tab. When I enter that information into the Location box, the app pops up a suggested address that’s identical to mine, but doesn’t include the restaurant’s name or phone number, which I want there. When I click outside of the box to dismiss it, the app deletes my entry and puts in its own “suggested” data.
The only way I can get it to keep what I want there is to tab out of the field. If I subsequently click in that field (ever!), it changes it again.
Now, I love Apple products, and they usually do things well. But dammit, if I want to put additional text into the Location box for an appointment I have, Apple has absolutely no business forcing a change there. None.
Unacceptable, Apple.